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10 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Last Updated on January 12, 2024

Written by Jill Zwarensteyn

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Caring for a newborn is rarely a breeze. Whether it’s your first or your fifth, they each bring their unique personalities and challenges, offering you a wide variety of learning opportunities along the way.

With varying aspects to each child, it can be difficult to learn their tendencies. Employing help in the form of family and friends can feel more than necessary, but even with extra hands, raising a baby can be overwhelming at times.

In this article, we’ll explore healthy tenets to a 10-month-old sleep schedule. We hope to help you feel more in control so you can bring up a happy, healthy baby and get you some quality zzz’s as well.

The Amount of Sleep 10-Month-Old Babies Need

As our munchkins grow, it’s critical they get daily adequate rest to help their growing brains develop correctly. According to a study at John Hopkins, “kids who regularly get an adequate amount of sleep have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. Not getting enough sleep can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and even depression.”

At 10 months, most infants can sleep the whole night through, which should be around 11 or 12 hours a night. They should also be getting a few naps during the day as well, totaling two or two and a half hours. I know, 10-month-olds are living the good life.

However, while this may seem like a breezy existence, our little ones need all the help they can get. They need a lot of zzz’s because, at this age, their bodies are growing at such a quick pace. Getting an adequate amount of sleep allows them to funnel nutrients to their brain so they can grow into smart and capable young adults.

If your little one isn’t getting proper sleep, this can not only stunt their mental growth but they can become agitated, cranky, and generally more difficult, making your life a whole lot harder. Below we’ll dive into how to ensure your tyke gets a solid night’s rest.

Read More: How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

How Feeding Fits?

Around 10 months, you may notice an appetite increase, likely due to their increased activity levels as they become more independently mobile. Being that your little rascal is probably moving around quite a bit, they’ll be burning more calories, and babies already need a significant amount of nutrients to fuel their expanding bodies and brains.

While their food intake may not be much different than a month ago, they may need a few more snacks throughout the day. Regardless of what they’re eating, they could benefit from increased substantial snacks, like avocado, scrambled eggs, or yogurt—or simply more formula or breast milk.

Additional food may be something your child will express a desire for themselves. However, if they’re suddenly becoming hungry at 2 AM after they’ve already been sleeping through the nights, this might be something you’ll want to sneak in yourself if you notice an increase in appetite at irregular times.

Should I Feed My 10-Month-Old Infant Early in the Morning?

Every child is different, and this is entirely up to you. While your little one likely can sleep through the night by now, they may not be. Don’t worry, this isn’t something to necessarily be concerned about; each kid moves at their own pace.

However, your little one should be sleeping around 11 to 12 hours each night by 10 months. So, if they’re going down for bed at 7, they shouldn’t be waking up before 6 in the morning, and if they are, they may need a few more calories during the day to help them get through the night.

How Long Should a Nap Be?

By 10 months old, your infant should be sleeping soundly for 11 to 12 hours. If they’re not sleeping through the night, this could, unfortunately, affect their naps negatively as well.

If your child isn’t regularly getting proper rest, they are more likely to grow agitated and cranky, making it difficult to put them down for bedtime or a nap. They should, ideally, be napping twice a day for a total of two to two and a half hours.

Find Out More: How to Get Babies to Nap Longer

10-Month-Old Baby Sleep Schedule

With babies growing all the time their needs and habits change regularly, so if you’re finding it hard to keep up, it’s not a surprise. We detail the nitty-gritty below.

Awaking and Milk Feeding

Your tot’s morning feeding will often be their most substantial meal of the day. Being that they probably just slept for a solid 11 to 12 hours, they will be hungry and ready to feast.

If you’re occasionally still feeding them at night and discover they’re not eating as much in the morning, this is a reliable sign that you can wean them off nighttime feedings or possibly dream feed them after they fall asleep for the night.


Breakfast is a great chance to introduce some new foods into your newborn’s diet and expose them to new baby-friendly solids. Starting at about six months, your child can begin munching some solid foods, like soft fruit, scrambled eggs, or avocado.

Playtime and Napping

If you can offer a lot of stimulation and keep them active, they are more likely to go down for naps smoothly and sleep more soundly. However, while attempting to grab a few extra minutes of silence, don’t let them sleep too long, as this could throw the rest of your day off schedule.

Second Milk Feeding

After a mid-morning nap, your tiny hungry hippo will be ready to chow down again. Keep in mind they should be sleeping two to two and a half hours in the form of naps during the day.

Solid Food Lunch

When you or their caregiver is eating solid foods is a great chance to offer solid foods and gently introduce new things into their diet. It may take a bit of prep work, like mashing, cutting, or blending, so they can ingest it safely, but the introduction of colors and tastes will prepare them for a wide variety of healthy foods as they grow up.

Short Play

Play time is a great opportunity to let them explore and pratice crawling and walking together. Activating their body and brain will stimulate their development and also wear them out a bit and hopefully allow for a solid nap for your baby, and you!


It’s time for your little snoozer’s second nap of the day. It’s important that on top of 11 to 12 hours of sleep nightly they get two naps a day. If you’re tired, try to sleep when they sleep, as this is the only time you’ll have free time to catch up on zzz’s.

Third Breast/Bottle Feeding

After your sleeper’s naptime, they’ll likely be hungry for another snack. Try to fill them up as much as you can during the day to minimize nighttime feedings.


Activity time may seem like just that—play. However, play is extremely important in brain development. Playtime teaches your munchkin how to use their body, mind, as well as communicate.

Solid Food Dinner

If you can, try and get your little one to eat solid foods similar to what you’re eating at dinner time. You may have to blend it or mash it, however. This may not always work, and that’s okay—every kid will be different and have a unique palate—although, it’s a great way to make them feel included and slowly acclimate them to eating what you’re eating. This will ideally cut down on the need to make them special food as they grow up.


Bath time! This can be a fun chance for you and your baby to bond in the water. Whether you take a bath with them or bath them in the kitchen sink, exposing them to water is great for stimulating their senses.

Fourth Breast/Bottle Feeding and Reading

Feeding your little one right before bed is crucial to help them—and you—sleep through the night. If they’re not hungry yet after dinner, you can also “dream feed” them after they fall asleep.


Try and stick to the same routine daily to allow for associations between their routine and falling asleep. By doing this, your infant is more likely to self-soothe and be able to fall back asleep if they wake during the night as well.

Learn More: Best Baby Bedtime Routine


Keeping up with a little rascal can be exhausting for any parent, so if you’re feeling worn out, you’re in good company! Newborns are a lot of work, but with their fresh perspectives on old things, we can see the world through new eyes.

Your tot will always be growing and changing. Right when you have things down, they may hit an obstacle like a sleep regression. Hang in there and know every child will be different. That’s part of the magic of parenthood!

More Reading:

Jill Zwarensteyn


About Author

Jill Zwarensteyn is the Editor for Sleep Advisor and a Certified Sleep Science Coach. She is enthusiastic about providing helpful and engaging information on all things sleep and wellness.

Combination Sleeper